Reasonable access to cancer clinical trials must be the standard of care for all Canadian patients regardless of their age, location, or income. See how PACT is working towards achieving this goal. .

Canadian Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (C-CTTI)
The US-based Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) demonstrated success in integrating patient and patient group voices into the cancer clinical trials continuum and served as the inspiration for a Canada-based version. In 2018, a Canadianized of the CTTI model was created (C-CTTI), serving as a framework for sponsor and patient group engagement at every step of the clinical trial process.

Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Stakeholder Charter
The PACT Steering Committee created the Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Stakeholder Charter to facilitate patient group engagement in the clinical trial process. The Charter outlines a shared vision, using common language, and provides a framework that Stakeholders can commit to and utilize as a guide to gauge their organizations’ patient centricity in Clinical Trials.
Guiding Principles
Five guiding principles were established by the PACT Steering Committee for the development of the Charter. They are as follows:
· Patient centricity
· Commitment to education and training
· Collaboration as equal & independent partners in research
· Transparency & accountability
· High standards in data collection transparency and accountability

The Adoption, Implementation, Sustainment and Evaluation (AISE) implementation methodology provides the systemic approach for all PACT initiatives.
- Setting-up a long-term stewardship/governance and advocate for Initiative being developed to be introduced into the guidelines/standard operating practices
- Identifying and addressing key opportunities and barriers to AISE of the initiative being developed
- Securing resources (financial, time, material, etc.) and commitment necessary to develop the framework/infrastructure necessary to support AISE of the initiative being developed

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