PACT is a continuously expanding initiative to ensure and support the realization of active and equal patient and patient group engagement in cancer clinical trials.
The PACT Steering Committee, comprised of a collaborative team of senior stakeholders from across the cancer clinical trial continuum, led by Colorectal Cancer Canada, came together to define the vision, mission and key goals for PACT.

Patients and Patient Groups will be equal partners in Clinical Trials in Canada and fully integrated throughout the Clinical Trial Continuum.
- To increase awareness and education of clinical trials
- To increase patient centricity of clinical trials
- To increase access to clinical trials

- Create ongoing awareness of and engagement in PACT
- Obtain supportive funding and infrastructure to ensure sustainability of the initiative
- Advance initiatives to promote Patient Centered Clinical Trials in Canada
- Advance initiatives to include patients and patient groups in clinical trials
- Promote investment in (patient centered) clinical trials in Canada
- Promote decentralized clinical trials to increase patient access
- Advance global best practice examples of data, principles, tools and methodologies, relevant to advancing patient engagement in cancer clinical trials
- Establish collaborations through continuous outreach to fuel the initiative aligned with the global reality

The first Colorectal Cancer Canada clinical trials conference held in 2017, achieved a consensus to develop a Canadian version of the U.S. Duke University’s Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative (CTTI) model. Our working group and meeting participants established a comprehensive framework for patient group engagement in cancer clinical trials considering the Canadian environment and developed the Canadian Patient Group Pathway Model to Accessing Cancer Clinical Trials (“Pathway”). The work resulted in a 2018 publication in the journal Current Oncology.
The 2018 Clinical Trials Conference led to consensus among conference attendees to develop a Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Stakeholder Charter (the Charter) to support stakeholder’s engagement with patients and patient groups in cancer clinical trials. The Charter was developed over the summer of 2018, further socialized to garner additional feedback from cancer stakeholders in the community at large and was compiled with feedback from conference attendees at the 2018 conference.
Colorectal Cancer Canada (CCC) hosted a 2-day, multi-stakeholder conference with the overarching goal to better understand how the needs of patients can better be met through the engagement of Patient Groups (PGs) in the cancer clinical trial (CT) process and the importance of capturing real-world data/real-world evidence (RWD/RWE) in Canada by cancer PGs in the post-cancer CT setting, and the Canadian Personalized Healthcare Innovation Network (CPHIN) model.
Following the extensive work of our Clinical Trials Working Group, the Charter was finalized during the spring and summer of 2020. The Charter was developed with the express intent of helping to guide the relationship between patient groups and other stakeholders in the clinical trial continuum, with the goal of improving the design and implementation of cancer clinical trials, improving the recruitment and retention of patients in trials, and further advancing cancer research and treatment.
At the 2020 virtual conference, we highlighted the dynamics of clinical trials in the evolving landscape of precision medicine and the development of clinical trial frameworks to incorporate real world data.
Central to the discussion was a discussion of new and novel initiatives in Precision Medicine in the Canadian context with a focus on patient access. We also began to explore the need for Value Based Frameworks and learned about evolving models in Europe.
In 2021, we continued to highlight the evolving landscape of precision medicine. The evolution of Value Based Frameworks was a priority in the 2021 Clinical Trials Conference, where we had the opportunity to share the Implementation Plan of the Charter.